Company Overview

Strategic Views

Our vision is to reach a level of excellence in pharmaceuticals through a sustained effort to quality assurance and to achieve a global standard through the indoctrination of a culture of excellence.
Our mission is to benefit people and improve their quality of life through our quality products.
As a generic company, our growth is closely knitted to the satisfaction of our customers.
We would like to ensure customer’s satisfaction through providing quality medicine at affordable cost, launching new molecules & expediting export to all possible avenues. We are committed to achieve our goal through skilled, creative and motivated employees of the highest professional standard.
We are devoted to ensure quality in all our endeavors and to maintain the highest ethical standards in our business practices.
Our object is to conduct transparent business operation within the legal & social frame work in order to attain the declared vision.
The quality policy of Senate Laboratories is to prevent, mitigate and cure the human illness with quality pharmaceutical products at an affordable price.
We are able to make a footprint in our health care sector with punctuality, sincerity, honesty, loyalty, dedication, ethical practice, positive attitudes of our professionals. We strive to access to safe, effective and affordable medicines and related health care services to the people who need them. We believe that Senate Laboratories will be able to provide the best possible products in pharmaceuticals sectors with quality, diligence and transparency.
We are strongly represented in the market by a growing line of products, some of which are the FIRSTTIME in INDIA.
Our manufacturing plant is with state of the art of technology, operated by qualified quality assurance and quality control personnel.
For manufacturing our products, we procure high quality raw materials from reputed sources across the globe.
We do believe “QUALITY” is not conned in the production site,rather “QUALITY” is the result of collaboration with development, design, procurement,production,promotion,sales,after-sales service and other areas of business process. That is why we maintain QUALITY” not only in the manufacturing site,but also in customer service. We always try to do,what customers expect from us.

SENATE LABORATORIES Third party engagement
In case of a business opportunity the company policy permits contract (loan license and third party) manufacturing activity.
For analysis occasionally,we use services of approved public testing laboratories. However,the final batch release is the authority
of our Quality Assurance,after review and audit of batch production,batch packing and analysis record. Contract manufacturing
(P to P / 3rd Party manufacturing) is one of the major services offered by Senate Laboratories.
We have applied for manufacture over 2000 different formulations in Tablets,Capsules,Syrup,Ointment,Liquid & Dry Injection dosage.
We are committed for
- Formulating customized product size,shape,colour,taste,and packaging as per requirement of customer and their market.
- High efficacy formulations comparable to brand leaders meeting pharmacopeia and prescribed drug standards.
Critical products with assured stability throughout the shelf life. - Timely supplies without botheration of follow ups.
- Large as well as small size batch sizes as per need of customer Our manufacturing Product Formulation List provides all the details of products formulation which we applied and currently offer for contract manufacturing.
Our Business Operation
Our Domestic market is the mainstream of our business. Step by Step Senate Laboratories touches its 17th business year successfully. Now we operate our domestic business with 180 products in different dosages form including Tablets,Capsules,Syrup,Ointment,Liquid & Dry Injection. From the very beginning to today,we have developed in different parameters including management and production systems as well as value sales and profitability of the company.
We have skilled qualified team and they are very much influencial in the pharma market. We are absolutely focused on customer satisfaction that’s why we are able to retain our sustainable growth. We are committed to our associates to make their dreams come true that is to make a witness in our people’s health through quality products at an affordable price. Our domestic market is driven by indoor marketing department that is called Product Management Department (PMD) trough a group of dynamic,innovative,young and energetic people. Their innovation is also the pathway of our success. The main objective of this department is to establish a brand through innonative strategies and onwards to achieve company’s vision, mission,goal and objectives. We have a dynamic sales team which consists of about 60 graduate peoples. They are the major contributors of our domestic business.
International Operation
Global pharmaceutical industry is one of the most sensitive and regulated business sectors. INDIA develops this sector due
to its industry friendly government policies and now this industry fulfills 98% of the local market demand. In addition to
that INDIA is exporting more than 150 countries around the world including USA,UK,and European Union. Extension of the WTO TRIPS gives us the opportunity to produce any patented products in generic version and that creates a huge opportunity for us to go for contract manufacturing since we have the capacity and technology for it.
Senate Laboratories gives priority in International Business from the beginning, we have started our export operation and exploration in April,2007 formally by recruiting dedicated person for exploring export market. We got our first product registration in 2009 from FDA Myanmar and started formal export in mid of 2009. Recently we have got the W.H.O.-GMP certificate from FDA, Uzbekistan which strengthen our export business. Now we have regulatory business with 9 countries and with other 5/6 countries our registration process is ongoing. We have a strong desire to put our strong footing in Africa in 2023 onwards.